Starting a new job remotely
Discover our best tips to successfully start a new job remotely
Starting a new job is the last step of the recruitment process and the first of a new career. Whilst this step is one of the most important when forming a relationship between a company and an employee, more and more candidates have joined their new company remotely because of the safety measures imposed by COVID-19.
This is the case of Sarah, Talent Acquisition Specialist, who successfully joined Approach People Recruitment remotely.
She shares with us her 7 tips for successfully starting a new job remotely.
Control the environment
Whether it be an Intranet, CRM, or any sort of communication tool, it is important to take the time to master these and understand the virtual environment of your new company. During your training, you will have time to learn how to use the different tools available to you. Quickly mastering the virtual environment will be essential for a successful integration and the achievement of your mission.
Sarah explains her integration into an international context: “I tried to understand the tools as soon as possible, to collect usernames and passwords, and to test the connections. This is also how I discovered the habits and customs of corporate communication. ”
Know your colleagues
Like computer tools, understanding the organizational structure is also important. You want to be able to address the right person when you need to find answers to your questions. This is even truer in an international context as Sarah emphasises: “I had to know who I should contact depending on the issues, by what means and (in this international context) in what language.”
One of the major differences with virtually integrating into corporate offices is that you lack informal time to get to know your colleagues and understand the company dynamic.

Show curiosity
Just like you would in a new office, take a step towards getting to know your new colleagues. For example, you can schedule a call of a few minutes with each of your colleagues to introduce yourself and get to know each other. At Approach People, we advise our new recruits to get in touch with their colleagues individually to get to know each other. This informal call will help you to better know the environment around you and even create bounds with your new colleagues!
Reinvent informal times
Lunches with colleagues and “cigarette breaks” are precious moments during a classic integration that you now have to learn to recreate.
Sarah explains: “Asking a question at the coffee machine or leaving a post-it on a PC screen is unfortunately not possible when working from home. We must therefore be creative and invent other informal times. For example, we have organised zoom lunch breaks. It is often a relaxing moment when people are a little more accessible!”
If your company offers activities (games, zoom events, etc.) take advantage of them! This way, you will get to know your colleagues in a different context.
Optimise your training
A recent study has shown that videoconferencing tires us out. However, when you start a new job remotely, all of the training is done online. It can be difficult to stay focused and be active staring at your screen. Anticipating your training by knowing the topics covered in advance allows you, once the training time arrives, to be more reactive and proactive. Thus, the trainer gets to know you better when you participate actively in your training.

Keep a rhythm
We mentioned it in our article: Work From Home: Our Best Tips: it is important to keep a consistent and reasonable pace of work.
Overloading yourself with work with undoubtedly create added stress. Allow yourself breaks where you disconnect.
Remember to allow yourself time-defined breaks between your training hours to clear your mind and relax.
Get organised
Starting a new job remotely can sometimes seem less concrete than physically being in the office. The main thing is to quickly organise yourself as you would if you were in the office.
Sarah has been able to take her role seriously from the start by doing so. She explains that “sorting the documents I received, writing down expectations and deadlines I was given, setting up checklists, were good tools to stay on course following my integration.” In addition, scheduling meetings with your manager during the week to readjust your way of working together is a good way to follow your organisation closely.
To conclude, integrating a remote business is not as intuitive as one would imagine. However, if well prepared, starting a new job remotely can become a formative step and a positive experience!
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